Listen to the full interview with Anna Rahikainen, Sustainability Director at Kotipizza
One of the hardest areas to achieve this is in the supply chain, where a company’s carbon footprint overlaps with that of its partners and suppliers. Creating a cascade of sustainable practices throughout this network requires the efforts of more than one company.
There are many steps between production and consumption – so how do you maintain a shared ethos throughout?
Conversation highlights
How Kotipizza is making its supply chain sustainable
We make it our business to talk about sustainability and keep it on the agenda for our suppliers and other partners.
I think key to motivating them is making sure that they understand that sustainability is part of our key selection criteria for all partners. And that by acting sustainably, it obviously helps our business, but it also more importantly provides a competitive edge for them as our partner and it helps their business.
So when that mutual benefit is understood, I think that motivates them to act as sustainably as possible.
Why data is a critical part of the sustainability puzzle
More and more so, not just when it comes to sustainability, but driving and developing business in general, you need to rely on data.
We have a saying in Finnish: data is a good servant but not a very good master. So obviously you are dependent on data, but again you need to interpret it in the context and make it work for you. So not just any random data but get data on the things that matter to you.